Official data about the company
PE Auditing firm ” Triada “identification code: 25422280
Address: 65026, Odessa, per. Vice-Admiral Zhukov house. 3-7, apt.12
Contact phone: (050) 73-73-000, (048) 728-7418
Director: Sergey Gontarovskiy; number and date of issue of the certificate: series A №003482, 24.09.1998. Contact phone: (050) 73-73-000, (048) 728-7418
The auditor is responsible for internal quality control: auditor Proskura Valentina A. Contact phone: (050) 73-73-000, (048) 728-7418
The certificate of conformity of the quality system.
The contract of professional liability insurance in the amount of 1 mln. UAH
PE “Auditing firm” Triada “conducts an audit of business entities referred to in Article 8 of the Law” On audit activity. ”
Auditing firm "Triada»
tel. (050) 73-73-000,
tel. (050) 73-73-000,