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Preparation and transformation of the reporting on the international IFRS


Practical application of the International Financial Reporting Standards requires knowledge and skills. IFRS are not code of rigorous, detailed rules – it is a set of principles and requirements. The experts define independently the approach to their implementation, on basis of the specific economic situation, the essence of the operation, the specifics of the company.

Ukrainian practice of accounting, where the main user is the state (tax authorities, Department of Statistics, the State Commission on Securities and others) imposes a significant imprint on the quality of financial information. While the financial reporting, which is prepared under IFRS, is more oriented to the needs of the company’s owners.

The preparation of financial reporting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires a very serious, great and laborious preparation.
Experts of auditing firm “Triada” have the practical experience of auditing and preparation of financial reporting under IFRS for corporate goals and presentation to external users. On the basis of our experience, we can offer companies the following services:

• preparation of financial reporting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards;
• transformation of the national financial reporting in financial statements that comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);

• assistance to the company`s accounting department with financial reporting in accordance with IFRS;
• preparation of reports for internal management purposes;
• development and implementation of accounting policies and procedures;

Auditing firm "Triada»
tel. (050) 73-73-000,